Rebate to help cut household water use
A $200 rebate on the purchase and installation of a waterwise weather-smart irrigation controller is available for 600 Western Australian homeowners.
The State Government, through the Water Corporation, launched the offer from the first day of September, with the initiative following on from a Water Corporation trial.
The trial ran in 60 households in 2015-16 and showed a reduction of up to 15 per cent in water use for each household for the year. This equated to two backyard swimming pools, or 95,000L.
The controller uses local water data to customise sprinkler watering times and to avoid over-watering. It also tells the user if it has rained or is about to rain.
The Water Corporation said the irrigation system was one way to help preserve some of the 40 per cent of household water that typically gets used on gardens.
Water Minister Dave Kelly said a healthy garden could still be achieved, despite the reduction in the amount of rain we receive due to climate change.
“By using smarter sprinkler technology that doesn’t just ‘set and forget’, but considers how much water the garden needs depending on the weather that week, households can save water and reduce their water bills,” he said.
“Weather-smart controllers are especially effective during spring and autumn when weather can be more unpredictable.”