Educational Work Sheets
This fun educational kit includes a range of worksheets designed to test children's knowledge of waste and recycling for those using the 2 bin and 3 bin FOGO systems. Select the appropriate kit relevant to your area.
Road Map
Teacher Instructions
AVOID Lesson Road Map
Teacher's Guide to Duplicating Forms
Making a Micro Composter
Making Great Compost with Costa
Investigation Activity
Which Bin (2 bin)
Sort It Out (2 bin)
Crossword (2 bin)
Cryptogram (2 bin)
Recycling Maze (2 bin)
Word Search (2 bin)
Spot the Difference (2 bin)
Spot the Mistake (2 bin)
Spread the Message (2 bin)
Worksheet (2 bin)
Worksheet Answers (2-BIN)
Which Bin Do I Put It In? (FOGO)
Sort it Out (FOGO)
Crossword (FOGO)
Cryptogram (FOGO)
The Recycling Maze (FOGO)
Spot the Difference (FOGO)
Spot the Mistake (FOGO)
Spread the Message (FOGO)
Worksheet Answers (3-FOGO)
Colouring In (FOGO)
Colouring In (2 bin)
Colouring In Thank You
Colouring In Thank You
Colouring In Thank You
Colouring In Thank You
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